πŸ“œTerms & Conditions

(Boring but important)

By swapping any ERC20 cryptocurrency, such as ETH or USDC, for $APE tokens, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Purchasing $APE tokens signifies automatic acceptance and understanding of these terms.

  1. No Financial Advice We are not financial advisors, and no content published by us should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy $APE tokens. Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, so conduct your own research before making any crypto purchases. Be aware that swapping ETH for $APE tokens could result in losing some or all of your principal ETH. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.

  2. No Financial Gain Representations We do not guarantee any financial gain or promise of profit. By purchasing $APE tokens, you acknowledge that you may lose all of your invested ETH.

  3. Project Changes The Ape token team reserves the right to alter the project's direction, modify the roadmap, or amend the White Paper at any time. It is important to regularly review this document for updates. If you disagree with any changes, you may choose to sell your tokens at any time.

  4. Liability for Losses We are not liable for any losses resulting from bugs, hacks, or vulnerabilities. While our team will strive to address any issues, making everyone whole may not always be possible due to various circumstances.

  5. Unofficial Information Do not act on information from unofficial sources. If it doesn’t come from our official accounts or social networks, assume it is incorrect. We are not liable for losses incurred from advice or statements made through unofficial channels. Always verify information and consult our team at team@ape.fun if you have any doubts.

  6. Bot and Service Disclaimer Our bots and services provide notifications about newly launched and upcoming tokens via Telegram. All data is gathered automatically using our nodes and criteria filters. We do not endorse or have agreements with any projects signaled by our bot, and we do not know the identities or reputations of the project teams. You assume full responsibility for the outcomes of any tokens purchased based on our signals.

  7. Trading Bot Responsibility Our Telegram trading bot allows users to buy and sell ERC20 tokens directly from Telegram. You are fully responsible for the tokens you purchase, including managing your trades and any losses incurred, whether due to ineffective strategies or scams.

  8. Downtime Liability We are not liable for any losses caused by downtime or interruptions of our products, including our bots. We do not guarantee 100% uptime, and service disruptions may result in losses.

  9. Voting rights/ownerships $APE holders do not have voting rights over how funds are allocated or spent. You as a user/holder only have control and ownership of the tokens that you purchase and the tokens do represent any share over the projects ownership, direction, property or fee's generated unless stated otherwise.

Conclusion Please review these terms carefully before purchasing $APE tokens. Stay informed, exercise caution, and make decisions based on your own research. For support, contact us at team@ape.fun.

Last updated