
Passive income

Every ApeGun user receives a personalised affiliate link, providing an excellent opportunity to earn additional income.

How It Works Simply click the affiliate link button, copy and paste the link to your social media or private groups, and earn passive ETH every month from users who sign up through your link. We deposit 10% of ApeGun’s profits directly into your ApeGun wallet each monthβ€”no fuss, no hassle.

For Influencers If you have an engaged following, our affiliate program allows you to introduce your audience to a top-notch product while earning fees based on their usage. Share your link now while ApeGunBot is still gaining traction and start earning that sweet ETH!

Why Your Audience Should Use ApeGunBot

  • The easiest way to buy ERC20 tokens

  • Lower fixed fees

  • Earn loyalty points with every buy or sell

  • Pre-configured settings (just focus on trading)

  • Track trading positions with no expiration

  • Manage buy, sell, and trading positions within the same bot

  • Anti-Rug protection and Auto CA scanning

  • Anti-MEV transaction and Auto-slippage

  • Access the Ape Ecosystem

  • Get loyalty points for trading

  • Access the private trading group

  • Be part of the best community in crypto, 'the $APE community'

Last updated