♟️Launch Strategy

Transparency & launch safeguarding

Supply control

Due to concerns about snipers and the importance of supply control for longevity, we have decided to buy up a percentage of the supply at launch to ensure price stability and prevent early sniper entries. This will be managed through a whitelisting process, allowing only whitelisted wallets to purchase $APE at launch.

Whitelisted Wallets

  • Team-Controlled Wallets:

    • 70 wallets controlled by the team, amounting to 70% of supply purchased at launch for approximately $10,000.

    Supply control is to prevent irresponsible sellers and snipers/bundlers from negatively affecting the chart or owning a large about of the supply. This will also ensure we have enough tokens to support the continued success of Ape.

Token Usage

  • Partnerships:

    • Airdropping to Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and partners

  • Market Making:

    • Sent to Automated Market Makers (AMMs) to manage market making

  • Exchange Listings:

    • Sent to Centralised Exchanges (CEXs)

  • Community Contributors:

    • Small supply sent to contributing members

If you are new to the concept of 'supply control' then please do your own research to understand the positive's and negatives before swapping for $APE tokens.

Last updated