
Token functionality

Contract Address (CA): Contract Type: ERC20 v2 pool Contract Name: Ape Symbol: APE Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) Initial Liquidity Pool (LP): 1 ETH Supply Added to v2 Pool: 90% Max Wallet: 1% (to be lifted) Transaction Tax: 5% buy, 5% sell (to be reduced to 0%) Swap-Back Threshold for Tax: 0.01%

Transaction Tax

$APE token taxes will be set at 5% for both buys and sells until ApeGunBot generates sufficient revenue through usage. Once this threshold is reached, taxes will be reduced to 0%, and ownership will be renounced, establishing $APE as a permanent meme coin (powered by ApeGun).

Tax usage

The tax fees collected during the ApeGunBot adoption period will cover initial development costs and any capital expenses incurred post-launch until ApeGun generates revenue for scaling.

Last updated